Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sign the Petition

Peace be upon you reader. This blog post is to inform the public about the petition I have started to get the United States of America to become signatories on the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. This will begin to bring about radical change in America for African-Americans. 

You can view and sign the petition here:
Here's some more information about this petition:
Become signatories of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (ICSPCA)
Citizens concerned about the campaigns, chicanery, and programs that has been, and maybe still being used in this country against African-Americans citizens, who stood/stand up against this government to advance for better treatment and absolute equality for blacks in America. By the laid out goals, objectives, and tactics of the programs, they were and are of apartheid practices, by definition of the law of crimes of apartheid. It is to my knowledge, that the United States of America has not become signatories of the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. I believe by becoming signatories of ICSPCA, this could be the death blow to inequality and begin the dissolution of racism in America.

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